Welcome to my blog!!

Well, hello there, and welcome to my blog. As the domain name of my blog may suggest, we’re going to be talking about blogs. How meta, I know. But in all honesty, blogging is something I really do enjoy. I started my own personal blog about a year ago mainly revolving around fashion and style along with my other interests, and now I like to list blogging as one of my many hobbies, something I never thought I’d do.

Why did I start blogging? Simply for the fun of it. With the popularity of blogging in our digital age, I liked the idea of having my own little space where I could put my creativity to use and share a part of me with anyone who stumbled across it. After taking the leap and creating a blog myself, I believe it’s something that everyone should pursue because it’s essentially a digital journal where you can express yourself, but also explore things about yourself you otherwise might never know.

Before I ever set up my blog, I avoided the idea for a long time because it was a very overwhelming process, especially for someone not very tech savvy like me. I looked to several other sources about starting a blog, all from the how to’s, what to’s, and even why to. It was pretty confusing and a lot to take in, but that shouldn’t deter anyone from starting one. So, as a casual and amateur blogger myself, I hope to share some tips, thoughts, and perhaps even convince you to start one yourself with whatever (little) experience I have. I think as someone who is still learning about the subject herself, I can be helpful in navigating the blogging world from a beginner’s perspective. I am also currently taking a class called Strategic Presentation where we’re learning some skills that can help with taking your blog to the next level, which is what this blog is actually for.

So, if you’re reading this and are thinking about starting your own blog or are just interested in the blogging world, I hope you can blog alongside me, or in other words, blog with Rameen.

Rawpixel (Website). Group-hand-fist-bump [Photograph]. Retrieved September 29, 2018, from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/group-hand-fist-bump-1068523/
P.S. – I apologize for the number of times I wrote blog. There’s not really an alternative word for it so bear with me.

Featured image: Pixabay (Website). Business-coffee-composition-computer [Photograph]. Retrieved September 29, 2018, from: https://www.pexels.com/photo/business-coffee-composition-computer-265667/

The images used in this post are from pexels.com, a website that provides a large collection of free stock photos. From our class’s readings this week, the creative commons informational flyer aided me in choosing the photos featured in this post. From the flyer, I was able to understand what a Creative Commons is, how it works, and what types of Creative Commons conditions applied to the photos I chose. Both the photos I chose did not have an attribution condition, meaning I did not have to get permission to use the photos or give credit, but for the purpose of this assignment I did anyway (Creative Commons, n.d.). Both photos were also non-commercial, meaning I could use the photos for non-commercial purposes, and as Colombia’s fair use basics page describes, nonprofit educational use falls into this category (“Fair Use,” n.d.).