Creating a PSA


This past week, my group and I were challenged with creating our very own PSA, or public service announcement. We had to choose a non-profit or on-campus organization, so we chose RUPA which is one of the largest student-run organizations that focuses on creating valuable, memorable experiences for students. The PSA had to be for RUPA and approximately 30 seconds long.



I’ll admit, initially, I was a little nervous about creating this PSA because my group and I had never done one before. Even though we hear PSA’s almost daily (like those annoying Spotify ads) I was unsure of where we would even begin. It was challenging because 30 seconds really isn’t a whole lot of time, and to be able to sum up and promote a large organization in just a few sentences is not as easy as it may seem. However, after writing a few drafts of a mock script, we were able to hit all the necessary points and create our PSA.

The PSA is essentially a brief summary of RUPA and what they do, and it informs audiences of how to get involved if they are interested. Since it is only about 30 seconds long and there are six of us in our group, we decided it would be best if we nominated one person to do the recording. Overall, we’re very pleased with how our PSA came out, and we think PSA’s are a great practice for anyone who wants to delve further into recordings. After this, we all definitely feel more prepared for our upcoming podcasts, so stay tuned!

Featured Image Source:

Marketing-megaphone-advertisement by mohamed_hassan from (CC0 Creative Commons)

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