Podcast Production

Podcasts seem to be all the rage nowadays, but never did I ever imagine doing one myself. I always assumed you had to interview someone or have an interesting voice to record a podcast, but after doing one myself, my thoughts have completely changed. I never thought much about podcasts before, but thanks to this class, I see them in a different light.

We were challenged to record a podcast on a non-profit or on-campus organization, which I have mentioned previously in my last post regarding my group’s PSA. The organization we chose, RUPA, is an on-campus club that is split into 7 committees, so each member of our group decided to talk about a different committee to bring insight into the massive organization. I recorded it by using the Voice Memos app on my iPhone along with my Apple headphones that has the built-in mic, then transferred it into an mp3 file so that I could edit it on Audacity. Audacity was a little confusing to get the hang of, but after messing with it a bit, it got the job done.

App, Soundcloud, Smartphone, Icon, Communication
app-soundcloud-smartphone-icon by Digitalpfade from https://pixabay.com/en/app-soundcloud-smartphone-icon-2443125/ (CC0 Creative Commons)


So for my podcast, I talked about the Traditions & Community committee, informing listeners of their responsibilities, activities, and organized events. Of course, I wanted to keep the podcast relevant to this blog, so I didn’t choose this committee at random. I chose it because I wanted to translate the practices of this committee to the blogosphere, something I think we could all benefit from. The main gist of the podcast is explaining the importance of creating traditions and community, both in the online world as well as the offline world.

Be sure to check out my group members’ podcasts as well to learn more about the other committees, or just to get a feel for our podcasts. Being that we are all beginners in the podcast realm, I believe that they are great examples for anyone else wanting to delve into the recording process themselves.

Lauren Piatkowski – Dream Weddings

Caroline Gavura – College Student Mental Health Awareness

Hyo Jin Kim – Simply Cheap

Islam El-Ghoul – El-Ghoul Travel

Stefanie Maglio – Healthy Vibes Healthy Lives

Featured Image Source:

smartphone-application-soundcloud by mohamed_hassan from https://pixabay.com/en/smartphone-application-soundcloud-2995711/ (CC0 Creative Commons)




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