An Unforgettable Course

Now that we’re in December, you know what that means? End of the semester!! The Fall semester has flown right by, and although I am beyond excited for the holiday break up ahead, I can’t help but feel bittersweet at the end of each term. I am more relieved than you can imagine to be finished with my most difficult classes, but as for the classes I enjoyed, I can say that they will definitely not be forgotten, this class being one of them.

At the beginning of the semester, I was not looking forward to taking Strategic Presentations after hearing that we would have to make a blog, a podcast, a screencast, etc. I had never done most of those things before and found the idea of them to be very daunting, but now, after having gone through it all, I am actually really glad I took this course. I learned a lot in this class and feel more confident about tackling different projects that I might never have had the courage to do before.

office-desk-work-computer-business by kreatikar from

Some memorable takeaways from this class that I will surely keep with me in the future are maintaining a blog and preparing an audio file. As I’ve mentioned before in my earlier posts, I did have a personal blog prior to creating this one so for the most part, keeping up with the blog assignments came naturally to me and I actually looked forward to them. However, with my personal blog, I never really kept an audience in mind and would often feel uninspired to create something because I just didn’t know who I was doing it for. Was I doing it for me, for others, and who were those others? But with this blog, I realized what it meant to keep your readers in mind and to address a target audience. It really helps you to stay on track and keeps you motivated to share more. I now feel re-energized in creating for my personal blog again, and cannot wait to do so, this time with a clear focus in mind.

As for preparing an audio file, I have come to understand all that goes into making any sort of media that contains audio. When we were doing our screencasts, I originally planned to just talk without any sort of script or outline because other videos I have watched always seemed to be so conversational. But I quickly realized that a brief script is key, and it can still sound conversational. I also learned how to layer audio files, edit them, and to pay attention to fidelity, things I thought would be to complex for me, but all it really takes is a little practice and you’re good to go. I definitely want to try my hand at creating more audio related projects in the future, maybe incorporating it into my own personal blog somehow.

All in all, I’ll never forget the things I learned from this course, and I hope that you, the reader, learned a thing or two along the way with me, just like this blog intended to do.

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book-record-read-a-pile-of-books by Kidaha from

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